

( 14 genuine reviews)

Resistors can solve a lot of problems in your guitar. We have a few types handy.


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Due to the nature of Raw Nickel, Raw Nickel may contain slight cosemetic defects or abrasions.


We recommend using 2-Conductor With Shield Lead when purchasing a single pickup. 2-Conductor lead allows you to reverse the phase should you have phase issues. Learn About Lead Choice

Upgrade To A Prewired Pickguard

Product Information:

Here's all you need to know about our Resistors:

Resistors are an incredibly handy tool to have in the toolbox. At Fralin Pickups, we use them all the time. We use a 500K resistor to ‘Fake Out Single Coils’ and a 7K resistor to provide a more usable tone when splitting a low output humbucker.



Also known around the shop as our Partial Split Resistor, this resistor solves the problem of wimpy-sounding single coil tones when splitting a low-output Humbucker.

Stronger Humbuckers, like our High Output Humbucker, don’t have this problem. Only our lower output humbuckers (Pure P.A.F., Modern P.A.F.) can really benefit from the 7K Resistor. See the installation diagram below, utilizing a Push-Pull Pot:

Fralin Partial Tap Resistor


We use this to ‘Fake Out’ our single coils in a Fender Setup.

Alright, “faking out” seems a little vindictive. However, when you have a Telecaster with a Humbucker in the Neck and a Single Coil in the bridge, it can be tough to make those two pickups play nicely together (read our in-depth article on this topic here).


Let’s set the stage: You have a Telecaster with a Humbucker in the neck and a Single Coil in the Bridge. The Humbucker needs a 500K pot to sound good, and Single Coil sounds best on 250K pots. You only have one volume pot – how can you compromise? Put a Resistor From The Bridge Pickup Hot To Ground.


Lindy Fralin Pickups Using a Resistor In A Telecaster


Customer Reviews

14 Genuine Reviews for Resistors

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  1. william hungerford

    Verified Purchase

    exactly what i wanted. this 7k resistor turned my partial split into a more treble/less dense humbucker sound. It’s great, I’m a big fan of Lindy Fralin. I would highly recommend getting this if you’re looking for coil tapping your guitar.

  2. Stephen Hall

    Verified Purchase

    Great customer service and great knowledge of the guitars they make their products for!

  3. Rob Jackson

    Verified Purchase

    I installed this on a parts tele with an Unbucker in the neck and a Blues special in the bridge….with 500k pots, the bridge pickup was too bright…and installing the resistor from the bridge hot to ground made the pickup think it was a 250k pot…

    awesome fix…
    You guys are the best!

  4. Jon Buzzell

    Verified Purchase

    Added the 7k partial split resistor to my guitar and it made a world of difference. Split coil tones went from thin and unusable to very musical. Wish I’d know about it years ago. Thanks for great information and great products.


    Verified Purchase

    Will resistor item # PR-500K work to turn a 500k pot into a 250k pot, on a 3-way-switch Telecaster? I have a single coil in the bridge and a humbucker on the neck. Both pots are 500k. I want to have the single coil run at 250k and the humbucker at 500k.

    • Tyler Delsack
      (store manager)

      Hey Priscilla, Yes – the PR-500K is the resistor you want to get!

  6. Cody Hudman

    Verified Purchase

    Amazing Guitar Mod
    Can’t believe I haven’t tried this before. I’ve always hated coil split sounds before. Found them completely unusable. Bought a humbucker equipped guitar that had a coil split already wired. Searching the Fralin site I found the 7k partial split. Made a world of difference! So good I added to all my guitars with humbuckers. No more huge volume drop with thin wimpy sounds. It doesn’t sound like my vintage style single coils,(no coil split ever will) but it is a totally musical sound that I love using. Think more fat single coil, almost P90ish sound.

  7. Jan Miller

    Verified Purchase

    Did The Trick

    Used The Partial Tap Resistor to cure my wimpy split humbuckers when my push-pull knob is engaged. Followed instructions on Lindy’s site and now the split pu’s sound much beefier. So easy a fix, so inexpensive that I highly recommend it!

  8. Kirk Johnson

    Verified Purchase

    Pure PAFS

    Pure PAFS Your Review I was going to sell my 2012 LP Studio decided to swap Burst Bucker Pros with Pure PAFS, partial tap resistor.It is a KEEPER now !!

  9. John Lowther

    Verified Purchase

    Get It.
    The partial tap resistor works as described. No volume loss when coil tapping the pickups. Just follow the diagram for installing.

  10. Paulo Alexandre

    But this mode will take off part the desirable cancellation when split coil of hambucker is in parallel with a middle single coil. Isn’t it like so ?!

  11. Dave Merchant

    Verified Purchase

    Unreal! I just installed these with some Seymour Duncan Custom Shop Antiqity’s in my Goldtop Les Paul. The most usable coil-tapping mod I’ve ever used. Single coil tones are so good!

  12. Bryce Lewis

    Verified Purchase

    Great tone from a split coil! The partial tap resistor gives great tone from a split-coil Pure P.A.F.

  13. Wolfgang Kirschke

    great idea ; I would like to try it as my neck PU has 6,7k . What value should I use?

  14. Bob Emmerling

    I found out about this partial tap trick about a year ago and since then I have used it on all of my split HB, sometimes using 2 different value resistors with a 3-way center-off switch to get 2 distinct tones. I has opened up a whole new sonic template to me and I will not just flat-tap a HB to ground any longer. Using different value resistors can allow you not only to match the split coli tone to your guitar but also to your amp setup. Highly recommended!!!

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