Stratocaster Pickups

Lindy Fralin Strat Pickups are all made by hand, one at a time, with USA-Made parts. They are the best sounding Single-Coil Pickups you can find. From Vintage to Modern, we got you covered.

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Explore Lindy Fralin's Stratocaster Pickups

Explore the world of Strat pickups with Lindy Fralin’s complete line of Stratocaster pickups. Our pickups cater to all tonal and output needs, offering vintage to modern voicings. For classic, vintage Strat tones reminiscent of the earliest Stratocaster pickups, take a look at our best-selling Vintage Hots and Real ’54s. If you’re in need of a thicker, warmer tone to balance bright instruments and drive your amp harder, consider our Blues Special and Steel Pole 42. Additionally, our High Output and Steel Pole 43s provide thicker, warmer, and beefier Strat tones. Lastly, our Split Blade and Split Steel Pole offer hum-cancelling Strat tones that span from classic to P90.